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All Posts By

Sean Walters

EmploymentHuman Resources

Zuru throw their toys at Glassdoor

Those with one eye on the world may have seen an interesting case played out in the US courts this week, originating in little ol’ Aotearoa. Kiwi Toymaking giant Zuru, with revenues of over US$1bn, have won the right to be told the identities of those who have given them…
Sean Walters
July 22, 2022

The 15% Club

I'm currently having my bathrooms renovated. Although very happy with the quality of workmanship thus far, it's not a cheap job these days. As explained to me by Owen Plumber (the nickname I have given him following Medieval nomenclature), it would have been considerably cheaper 2 years ago. The scarcity…
Sean Walters
January 28, 2022