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The Growth of “Recruitment Alternatives”

The battle for recruitment agencies these days seems to have become one of relevance.  To be viable, you need to be an expert in your niche, well-networked and knowledgeable about the market.  You need to demonstrate value for money otherwise clients these days have too many options and ways to…
Jonathan Rice
November 14, 2013
Human ResourcesRecruitment

The Age of Recruiter Spam

I'm writing today's post from a car dealership in Glenfield while my car gets serviced.  It makes a nice change, after spending most of my time surrounded by recruiters, to be mixing and mingling with a portion of society regarded by the public with even more scorn and distrust than…
Jonathan Rice
November 7, 2013

Recruitment’s Salary Survey Conspiracy

Why is that we recruiters do so much work for free?  Or should I say, how is it that we are always expected to do so much for nothing?  Is it because of the seemingly large fees we charge when a placement does eventually come off? It's kind of funny…
Jonathan Rice
October 31, 2013

The Recruitment Rumour Mill

We all know that recruitment is a lot trickier and fraught with pitfalls than originally appears on the surface.  It's why you will spend many days over the coming summer hearing stories around various BBQ's that anyone can do recruitment and why is it we charge so much for our…
Jonathan Rice
October 17, 2013

Madison Swept Off Her Feet By Downtown Man

To the strains of Billy Joel's Uptown Girl, the big news from the New Zealand recruitment industry this week was of course Allied Workforce's acquisition of Madison.  This is positive activity within our sector that has kind of bumbled and stuttered along for the last four years and should be…
Jonathan Rice
October 3, 2013

Spitting the Recruitment Dummy

Since entering the recruitment industry over eight years ago I've heard more than the fair share of phrases like "spitting the dummy", "throwing toys from the pram" and "playing in a different sandpit". And no, this isn't in relation to childlike behaviour from clients and candidates, but rather they're metaphors…
Jonathan Rice
September 26, 2013
EmploymentHuman ResourcesRecruitment

The Recruiter Two Year Itch

For some reason or other the (lack of) tenure of recruitment consultants staying with one firm keeps cropping up in conversation recently.  I blogged about job hopping recruiters back in June.  The post was conspicuous by the absence of comments, almost as if this has just become an undeniable fact…
Jonathan Rice
September 12, 2013
Human ResourcesRecruitment

Return To The Dark Side

This week's Whiteboard scribbles are brought to you from the feverish pen of Sean Walters...   Something strange is happening. Regular Whiteboard readers may remember my blog bemoaning the number of burnt-out agency recruiters migrating to the perceived warmer climates of internal recruitment. Well it seems that the tide is…
Jonathan Rice
August 29, 2013