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EmploymentJob Boards

Jobseekers Swipe Right

There's been a lot of interesting stuff shared by commentators from our recruitment community this week but something that really stood out for me was the article shared by Mark Sumner revealing SEEK's large investment in the so-called "Tinder for Jobs" app Switch. Just like the prefix "Uber for..." denotes…
Jonathan Rice
June 9, 2016

Why You Should Care Less About Candidate Experience

Out of the soporific hum and chit chat of last night's Auckland Recruitment Meet Up there sprung a surprisingly vigorous debate. The team at Beca, lead by the ever-suave Richard Long, got everyone up on their feet. The purpose: To position our bodies in different zones of the room denoting…
Jonathan Rice
June 2, 2016

How Not To Fire People

Surprisingly, and perhaps disappointingly, I've never been fired from a job. Surprising, given that a good proportion of my day-to-day behaviour isn't appropriate for the workplace. Disappointing, given that being the narcissist that my ex-girlfriend describes me as, I like to place myself centre-stage for all my blogs. However, I have…
Jonathan Rice
October 15, 2015

The Land of Milk and Money

Knowledge is power, or so "they" say. However, the more I read, the more confused I become. One minute eggs are good for us, next thing, they're harbouring Al-Qaeda. Apparently even Kale is now poisoning us with thallium and arsenic. They'll warn us off smoking in aeroplane toilets and unprotected…
Jonathan Rice
October 8, 2015

Are the kids really alright?

I try and stay positive. Recruitment has a habit of beating you down occasionally, but to last in this industry, you have to have hope. Hope that a candidate shows up to an interview. Hope that the offer is sufficient. Hope that next month will be "the one". My usual…
Jonathan Rice
September 17, 2015

Let’s Hear It For The Resourcers

It's still early days, but I'm starting to sense something of a power shift in the finely balanced egos and nuances of the recruitment agency hierarchy.  A quiet revolution is building, a revolution taken to the preening, strutting, client-facing business developers by the hitherto subservient candidate managers and resourcers. Particularly…
Jonathan Rice
August 6, 2015

How Honest Can Recruiters Afford To Be?

The notion of "no publicity is bad publicity" was severely put to the test by Annette Sleep of O'Neil's Personnel last weekend.  Telling a candidate for one of her vacancies that she couldn't represent her to their client because she had children in daycare, and would probably end up taking…
Jonathan Rice
June 25, 2015