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Social Recruiting


Giving LinkedIn Premium a Side Step

Hands up if you have still managed to resist the need to pay for Premium LinkedIn products?  Assuming that most of the readers of this post will be HR or Recruiter types of some shape or form (and also perhaps my Mum.  Hi Mum.) I wouldn't expect many hands, in…
Jonathan Rice
April 23, 2015

Recruiters and Their Social Media Fails

Like many of you recruiters out there, things are pretty busy for me right now.  Which is great.  Hiring intentions are up, stress levels rising accordingly, and there aren't enough hours in the day.  Add to that the couple of events we hosted last week for our vRPO recruiters and…
Jonathan Rice
October 2, 2014

LinkedIn Almost Got Smart

We've heard plenty of commentary recently about how LinkedIn are revolutionising the way companies recruit and their recent conference fueled those flames of perceived disruptive innovation even more. No doubt the Australasian Talent Conference currently happening in Sydney will pour more kerosene on those flames (probably along with declarations that…
Jonathan Rice
May 22, 2014

The LinkedIn Propaganda Machine Hits Auckland

Hey LinkedIn, thanks for the beers and networking opportunities on Wednesday night here in Auckland.  It was really cool that you threw a party to commemorate your attainment of the quite staggering landmark of 1 Million users here is New Zealand (for a country of just 4 million I think…
Jonathan Rice
March 20, 2014